Organizing Committee

S.No Name Designation
1 Prof. A. Bala Kishan Dept. of Geography, OU
2 Prof. B. Srinagesh Dept. of Geography, OU
3 Prof. T. Anuradha Dept. of Geography, OU
4 Dr. V. Karunakar Asst.Professor (C), Dept. of Geography, OU
5 Dr. K. Sudarshan Part time Faculty, Dept. of Geography, OU
6 Dr. N. Sridhar Part time Faculty, Dept. of Geography, OU
7 Dr. D. Indra Part time Faculty, Dept. of Geography, OU
8 Dr. R. Veena Part time Faculty, Dept. of Geography, OU
9 Ms. Pavani Reddy Dept. of Geography, OU
10 Dr. CH. Bixapathi Part time Faculty, Dept. of Geography, OU
11 Dr. Krishna Naik Supporting Staff, Dept. of Geography, OU
12 Dr. N. Saida Naik Supporting Staff, Dept. of Geography, OU
13 Mr. M. Kamraju Supporting Staff, Dept. of Geography, OU